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As people join Madison MC (or for anyone who would ask before joining), we are making the commitment to intentionally develop relationships between existing members and those new to MMC to help people be brought more fully into the life, mission, and ministries of the MMC family.

Fellowship Partners are available to help people get CONNECTED to:

  • a personal relationship with CHRIST (many in a deeper way but some maybe for the first time)
  • a meaningful participation in Christian COMMUNITY (through a Sunday School class, small group, etc.)
  • a faithful participation in Christ's COMMISSION (finding a way to serve both within and beyond the congregation in giving, service, & witness)
  • awareness of important news & information through our Church COMMUNICATIONS

While each person and each fellowship partner are unique (moving into these 4 "Cs" of connection at their own pace and in their own way), we envision Fellowship Partners aiding this connection by faithfully "P.A.C.E.-ing":

  • P-raying by name and need for those they are partnered with
  • A-vailable: being available by reaching out and letting the person/family know the best way to contact their FP and encouraging the person/family they are partnered with to do so whenever they have a question or need
  • C-ontact: the FP reaches out atleast once a month (for 6-9 months) to check-in beyond regular interactions when the Church is gathered 
  • E-xample: the FP serves as a living example of Christian hospitality and discipleship as they live a connected life and help the person they partnered with to find their way to connection
Fellowship Partner

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