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"Building Faithful Disciples, Serving Jesus Christ"

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. GO therefore and MAKE DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20 ESV)

A member of MMC is someone who has entered a grace-based relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord, Savior, Teacher, and Friend (which is marked by ongoing repentance from sin and evil and wholehearted trust in Jesus Christ and his saving work in his life, death on the cross, and resurrection from the dead) and who is prepared to covenant with other members of the body of Christ at Madison MC to live out 5 basic commitments of discipleship: Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service, and Witness. We are each called to be servant-witnesses of Jesus Christ, faithfully exercising the spiritual gift(s) the Holy Spirit has given us as we witness to Jesus' saving love in word and deed. While our service and witness cannot be reduced to the ways we serve within MMC and beyond it in organized missions efforts, these avenues are crucial to us growing in and expressing our discipleship.

Please visit the links below to do two things: 1) ASSESS & SHARE the Spiritual Gifts the Holy Spirit has graciously given to you to minister to the Body of Christ and the world that God so loves; and, 2) EXPLORE & SUBMIT your callings and interests for living as a servant-witness of Jesus INSIDE the church (through Kids Ministries, Student Ministries, Connection Ministries, Congregational Care Ministries, Music Ministries, Prayer Ministries, &/or Ministry Teams) as well as OUTSIDE the church (through Missions).

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Steve Potter.

Step #1: Assess & Share Your Spiritual Gifts

To take an online Spiritual Gifts Assessment, CLICK HERE

Step #2: Explore Service/Witness Opportunities & Submit Interests


  • KIDS SUNDAY SCHOOL (Teach, Help)
  • KIDS WEDNESDAY NIGHTS (Art, Bible Drill, Games, Praise Time)
  • NURSERY VOLUNTEER (Infant, Crawler, Toddler)
  • VBS (June Each Year)

SUBMIT Kid Ministry Interests to Renee Scales.


  • MEAL PROVIDERS (provide meals for Sunday night Student Worship)
  • SMALL GROUP LEADERS (lead a small group of students during small group time during Sunday night Worship)
  • SUNDAY MORNING CLASS TEACHERS (teach a grade level class on Sunday mornings)
  • RETREAT/TRIP CHAPERONES (spend an afternoon, weekend, or week with middle and/or high school students in a variety of retreat and mission/service opportunities)

Visit Student Ministry Page


  • CONNECTION MINISTRY TEAM (Team members meet once a month for 1 1/2 hours for Bible study and hands-on ministry planning to strengthen and expand church ministries including door greeters, ushers, lay guest contact/follow-up, Connection Center, New Door class, etc.)
  • FELLOWSHIP PARTNER (Members of MMC are paired with new members and guests to serve as hosts who Pray for, are Available to, Contact, and are an Example of discipleship to new people to MMC to help them feel at home and connected to the opportunities for discipleship through MMC)
  • DOOR GREETER (Serve once a month for 30 minutes at your assigned station, smile, warmly greet, open doors, offer assistance if needed or direct worshippers/guests to the Connection Center; those serving as "captains" for each shift will go to each station and make sure a greeter is in place, serving until they arrive for duty if necessary)
  • WELCOME CENTER GREETER (Serve once a month for 30 minutes; greet people entering through the Atrium, answer questions, provide ministry information, escort visitors to areas of the church)
  • USHER (Serve once a month for 1 1/2 hours, arriving 20-25 minutes before service time, usher as required during service, and participate in clean-up duties following the service)
  • GUEST CONTACT VOLUNTEER (Pastor sends you a name and contact information via email; you would be responsible to contact the assigned guest via card, email, or phone; you would then log a brief summary into our church database via a hyperlink in the interaction email)
  • NEW DOOR/NEW MEMBER CLASS TEAM (Serve 3-4 times a year, working with others to invite guests & members to the New Door Class and/or New Member Class; organize and set-up supplies, greet those attending the class, helping with sign-in/attendance, and attend the class (9:30-10:45 am); help with follow-up with class attendees)

SUBMIT Connection Ministries Service/Witness Interests to Rev. Robert McCormick.


  • VISITATION (homebound, nursing home, assisted living)
  • MEAL DELIVERY (meals to the homebound - weekdays; newborns and hospitalization families on Wednesday evenings, freezer meals for the sick)
  • CARD MINISTRY (meets midday monthly to send cards to persons who are homebound, in a nursing home or assisted living)
  • CONGREGATIONAL CARE MINISTRY TEAM (help plan & coordinate the CC ministry; meets approximately quarterly)

SUBMIT Congregational Care Ministries Service/Witness Interests to Rev. Linda Rickman.


  • ADULT CHANCEL CHOIR (rehearses Wednesday 7:10-8:30 pm, sings in both Sunday morning services)
  • INSTRUMENTALISTS (piano, guitar, bass, drums, percussion, trumpet, trombone, flute, strings, etc.)
  • KIDS CHOIR (1st-5th graders, rehearses Wednesday 5:45-6:10 pm)
  • SONBEAMS (2 1/2 years thru K-5, rehearses during Wednesday night class @ 6:15 pm)

SUBMIT Music & Worship Ministries Service/Witness Interests to Lori Blount.


  • PRAY IN PRAYER ROOM ("Two or More" Prayer Ministry: 2 or more persons to pray in the prayer room on Sunday mornings)
  • PRAY IN PRAYER ROOM (Weekday Prayer Room Warriors: pray in the prayer room 1 day a week for atleast 15 minutes, Monday-Friday)
  • PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY (knit or crochet prayer shawls for ill members, family, or friends)
  • PRAYER MINISTRY E-MAIL TEAM (receive prayer request emails; may also send prayer cards or "prayer grams" to those persons)
  • PRAYER MINISTRY LEADERSHIP TEAM (to plan and carryout prayer ministries and events)

SUBMIT Prayer Ministry Interests to Rev. Linda Rickman.


  • CHRISTIAN FORMATION TEAM (provides leadership that helps our MMC faith family grow in discipleship through Sunday School, small groups, and other Christian formation experiences)
  • CONGREGATIONAL CARE MINISTRY TEAM (help plan & coordinate the CC ministry; meets approximately quarterly)
  • CONNECTION TEAM (provides leadership that helps people "connect" to Christ & the MMC faith family)
  • KIDS MINISTRY LEADERSHIP TEAM (provides leadership to plan & carryout kids ministries)
  • MARRIAGE MINISTRY TEAM (exploring the implementation of a premarital, newly married, and re-engagement ministry based on Biblical teaching)
  • MEN'S MINISTRY TEAM (provides leadership for Fight Club & related ministry initiatives)
  • OUTREACH TEAM (provides leadership to help the MMC faith family serve others outside the church)
  • PRAYER MINISTRY LEADERSHIP TEAM (to plan and carryout prayer ministries and events)
  • STUDENT MINISTRY LEADERSHIP TEAM (provides leadership to plan & carryout student ministries)
  • WOMEN'S MINISTRY TEAM (to plan and carryout ministries and special events for women)

SUBMIT Ministry Team Interests to Rev. Robert McCormick.


Learn all about the missions at Madison Methodist Church here.