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The After School Care (ASC) program, as a ministry of Madison MC, believes each child is a child of God and should have every opportunity to develop physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially and spiritually to his or her fullest potential.

Madison MC’s Weekday Program offers a Preschool Program and an After School Program licensed by the state of Mississippi.

The Weekday Ministries Programs have been charged with the mission “to provide total care for the children entrusted to the Madison MC Preschool/After School Care (ASC) programs by meeting, to the fullest extent possible, our children’s physical, educational, and spiritual needs and to sensitively respond to the concerns of parents.”

All our actions and daily classroom activities should reflect the Christian values of self-esteem, love faith, hope, care, grace, sharing, forgiveness, creation, honesty, obedience, and responsibility that are integral to the both the mission of Madison MC and the Weekday Programs.

Hours of Operation

2:15 p.m. - 6:00 p.m., Monday-Friday. We follow the Madison County School’s calendar. When the schools are closed, the ASC program is closed as well. The ASC program is NOT a year round program.


We pick up from these schools: Madison Avenue Lower Elementary, Madison Avenue Upper Elementary, Madison Station Elementary, Madison Crossing Elementary and Mannsdale Elementary.


Our Program provides a safe, fun and Christ-filled atmosphere for Kindergarten student through 5th grade students. Our afternoons are filled with snack time, homework room, chapel, games, movies, science, mission opportunities, physical education program, and free play.

School Calendar

View School Calendar


Annual Registration Fee-$175.00
Annual Supply Fee - $160.00
Monthly Tuition - $310.00
The Registration Fee will be due at the time of enrollment

Summer Draft Schedule:
Completed Draft Form required upon enrollment
First Tuition Fee will be drafted July 1 - $310.00
Supply Fee will be drafted August 1 - $160.00

Required Paperwork

Student Enrollment Form ASC


For Returning Children:
March 19 - 26, 2025

  1. Registration Forms will be sent home with your child the week of registration.
  2. Complete and submit the Registration Form.
  3. Pay the Registration Fee. Checks can be made out to Madison MC ASC.


Deadline to submit the Registration Form and Fee is March 26.

ASC Registration for NEW Children:

  1. Call or email the ASC Office to check for availability.
  2. Download the Registration Form and Draft Form.
  3. Complete the forms.
  4. Drop off the completed Registration and Draft Form along with a voided check.  All information can be dropped off at the Afterschool Care Office. The Registration Fee will be due at this time. Checks can be made out to Madison MC ASC.


Call 601-853-7436 or  to register.

Registration Dates:
Church Members – April 
Open to the Community beginning April 8 until all vans are filled.

Remind 101

To alert parents of closures and other school related emergencies, we will use Remind 101. Parents MUST sign up at