Madison Methodist Church Monday Memo (12/2)
12.02.24 | News, Articles | by Barry Male
1. Make sure to register for the Wednesdays at Madison meal by calling the church office (601.856.6058) or going clicking here by this Tuesday at noon.
2. We are working on making our church directory available soon. There will be a table in the Atrium this Tuesday, December 3, at the VIP luncheon and this Sunday, December 8, as well as in the Fellowship Hall on Wednesday, December 11, to update any new information and to take updated photos.
3. Here is our Christmas Eve schedule for this year:
1:00-2:30 p.m. – Come & Go Communion (Chapel)
3:00 p.m. – Candlelight & Communion Service (Sanctuary/Chapel)
5:00 p.m. – Candlelight & Communion Service (Sanctuary/Chapel)
7:00 p.m. – Candlelight & Communion Service (Sanctuary/Chapel)
4. For anyone interested in learning more about our ministry with the Center for Pregnancy Choices, their “Come and Go” Open House is scheduled from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. this Thursday, December 5. They are located at 2685 Craine Ridge Drive Suite B Jackson, MS.
5. Naomi Ruth Circle will sponsor the annual poinsettia placement in the Sanctuary this December. Order yours at one of the tables in the Fellowship Hall or Atrium on December 4 or December 8. Poinsettias are $20 each. You can pay by cash, check, or Venmo. All proceeds will go to Missions. Deadline is Sunday, December 8.
6. All men are invited to the Truck Club Bible study from 7:30-9:00 p.m. this Thursday, December 5. It meets at 224 Waterford Square in Madison. BRing a chair and a Bible.