Madison Methodist Monday Memo (1/20/25)

    01.20.25 | News, Articles | by Barry Male
    1. Make sure to register for the Wednesdays at Madison meal by calling the church office (601.856.6058) or registering online by this Tuesday at noon. Watch our website, social media, and emails for information about the potential cancellation of WAM due to the winter weather.
    2. All men of the church are invited to our Men’s Fight Club this weekend on January 24-25. Dr. Kevin Watson will be our guest speaker. Register hereInvite others to attend with you!
    3. Here are the other events with Dr. Kevin Watson this weekend:

    Dr. Watson will speak and have a Q&A session at our Madison District Training event this Saturday from 1:30-3:30 p.m. in our Multi-Purpose Room (Education Building, second floor). He will speak about "The Doctrine, Spirit, and Discipline of Early Methodism and Why It Matters Today" from Jude 3-7. You do not need to register for this event.

    Kevin Watson will also preach at our morning services this Sunday! He will share a sermon entitled "God Has More for You!” from 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24.

    Dr. Watson will also teach in the sanctuary during the Sunday School hour from Daniel 3. Whether you regularly attend Sunday School or not, we hope you will join us for this time of deep, rich teaching.

    1. Our next Encounter Worship Service will be on Sunday, February 2, at 6:15 p.m. in the sanctuary. It will be a time of praise & worship, prayer, and healing. Invite others to attend with you!
    2. Church merchandise (Madison Methodist t-shirts, hoodies, caps, etc.) is available for sale again through the end of January. To make an order, go to
    3. Each week for our current sermon series, The Prayer Life of Jesus, the Monday Memo will list a variety of prayer resources.
      Prayer book recommendations for Week Three:

    The Power of Prayer by R.A. Torrey
    How to Pray: A Simple Guide for Normal People by Pete Greig
    How to Pray (Seedbed Seedlings) by E. Stanley Jones (

     Prayer resource recommendation for Week Three:
    Life-Changing Prayer DVD and workbook series by Jim Cymbala

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