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Madison Methodist Monday Memo (2/24/25)

    02.24.25 | News, Articles | by Barry Male

    Upcoming Announcements

    • 1. Register for the Wednesdays at Madison meal by calling the church office (601.856.6058) or going on our website here by this Tuesday at noon.

    • 2. The next VIP luncheon is Tuesday, March 4. Please make your reservation by noon this Thursday, February 27.

    • 3. Upcoming Single Friends activities:

      • (3/6) Thursday: Bulldog Burger - Ridgeland - 6:00 p.m.
      • (3/13) Thursday: Amerigo’s - Ridgeland - 6:00 p.m.
      • (3/20) Thursday: Fernando’s - Madison - 6:00 p.m.
      • (3/27) Thursday: Yia Yia’s - Ridgeland - 6:00 p.m.
    • 4. Make plans now to attend the Ash Wednesday service, which will be held at 6:15 p.m. on March 5.

    • 5. Bishop Jones announced last week that our Senior Pastor, Rev. Barry Male, will serve as acting Conference Superintendent until a new one is appointed. This temporary appointment is expected to last no later than June 1, 2025. Rev. Male will continue in his role as Senior Pastor with the support of Madison Methodist’s clergy team and staff. Our Lay Leaders and Staff Parish Relations Committee have supported this request, and they ask for your prayers for Rev. Male as he serves our Conference in the interim. Bishop Jones is consulting with the Connectional Council, the Superintendency Committee, and the Cabinet to discern soon who should be appointed to this position as the full-time Conference Superintendent.

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