Madison Methodist Monday Memo (3/10/25)
03.10.25 | News, Articles | by Barry Male
Church Announcements
1. We will not have Wednesdays at Madison this week due to the spring break holiday.
2. This Wednesday, March 12, we will have a Church Pickleball Night from 5:00-7:30 p.m. in the Christian Life Center. Come enjoy this time and some snacks with your church family and your family. Text Susan Hierlmeier at 813-299-6558 with any questions.
3. We are excited to have Michael and Hannah Davis joining our staff! They will begin with us this Sunday, March 16. We will welcome them in our worship services, and Cynthia Lauderdale will have wonderful treats in the Fellowship Hall, too! We hope you will find intentional ways to reach out to them and make them feel welcome.
4. The men of our church are invited to our Madison Men’s Club this Sunday, March 16, in the CLC. We start at 7:00 a.m. with a great breakfast and a short meeting/presentation.
5. Please consider joining the Easter choir. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 7:05 p.m. starting March 19. Contact Lori Blount for more information at .
6. The Center for Pregnancy Choices is holding its annual Life Walk on May 3. Please contact Katie Williams at 601-540-3617 for information. The CPC is also accepting donations of diapers, wipes, and soap/lotion for their clinic. Please drop off those items in the Fellowship Hall. If you have any items other than those listed that you wish to donate, please contact Katie before bringing them to the church.
7. The new online membership directory will be available in the next few weeks. Contact Jone McCollum at or call 601-856-6058, our Church Secretary, if you have any changes to your information, want to share an updated picture, or prefer to not have certain information shared in the membership directory.