Click Here For Member Directory

This page is here to explain the major avenues of communication to stay informed at MMC.

1. Church Newsletter

This continues to be our broadest reaching way of communicating in our multi-generational congregation. If you are not yet receiving the bi-weekly newsletter in the mail and/or you want to be added to the email distribution, please contact Jone McCollum in the church office (601-856-6058). Newsletters are also posted here on the website.

2. Church-Wide Email List

Please contact the church office (601-856-6058) to make sure you are included on the list to receive these emails.

3. Church App

What can I access/do through the app?
Sunday Sermons - Click on the "MISSED A SERMON?" icon at the top of the homescreen
Church Events Calendar - Click on EVENTS icon on the homescreen
Church YouTube Channel - one button to the left of the DAILY PLAN button; go here for livestream or replay of Sunday services, Bible studies, and more
Alerts - From time to time we will send notifications through the app with special event sign-ups and/or important church announcements/news; these notifications should show up in your smart phone's notifications queue and can be accessed by clicking on the ALERTS tab found under the MORE tab at the bottom of the homescreen
Newsletter - Under the MORE button at the bottom of the home screen, there is a NEWSLETTER tab where you can find the most recent and past editions of the newsletter
Online Giving - You can make a secure online gift through the GIVE icon on the home screen, giving as a guest or setting up a login
Small Group/Sunday School Class Information - Click on the CONNECT icon on the homescreen
Service/Witness Opportunities - Click on the GO icon on the home screen
Download the app below:

Click/tap here for Apple/iPhone users
Click/tap here for Android users

4. Social Media Feeds

We are on Facebook, Instagram, and X(formerly Twitter).

5. YouTube Channel

Go to our YouTube Channel to watch Sunday worship live (8:30 am) or past recordings; to see Wednesday Bible studies (premiering at 6:15 pm on Wednesdays, or past recordings); and other media.

6. Church Texting Service

We have a church texting service we use for Student Ministries, General Church News/Info, etc. To SIGN-UP, text the following keywords (one text message per keyword) to 95577 --  mmcstudent (for Student Ministries) and mmcinfo (General Church News/Info).

7. Sermon Podcasts

You can listen to our sermons on-the-go through Soundcloud (MMC Channel). 

Click/tap here for Apple/iPhone users
Click/tap here for Android users