Madison MC Student Ministry Mission
Reach – Intentionally seeking students
Own – Challenging students to take ownership of their faith
Grow – Learning to be disciples
Unite – Connecting with other believers
Engage – Encouraging students to engage the world around them
Sunday Morning Classes (9:45 a.m.)
Students meet in grade level groups between our two morning worship services. The meeting locations for each grade are:
Junior High (7th and 8th) – Room 401 (Education Bldg., 2nd floor)
Senior High (9th-12th grades) – Room 403 (Education Bldg., 2nd floor)
Sunday Night Worship (6:00-8:15 p.m.)
Madison MC Student Ministry invites all students in grades 7-12 to join us for our Sunday night worship. Each week we meet from 6:00-8:15 P.M. for dinner, games, worship, small groups, and prayer. It is an awesome experience, and we would love to have you be a part of it!
Wednesday Night Bible Study (6:15-7:00 p.m.)
This is an opportunity for students to study and discuss Scripture, build relationships, and grow in faith in a relaxed environment. We meet in the chapel basement during the school year.
Student Music Ministries
Student Worship Praise Band – opportunities for instrumentalists & vocalists to lead worship during Sunday Night Worship & at other times
Student Choral Ensembles – Small Ensembles to lead in worship services on certain Sunday Mornings.
Are You Called to Serve in Student Ministries?
Is Christ calling you to serve in ministry with students? Here are some possible opportunities:
Meal Providers: We order food for our student each week and we need your support to make it happen, to donate for Sunday night meals click here:
Small Group Leaders: lead a small group of students during small group time during Sunday night Worship
Sunday Morning Class Teachers: teach a grade level class on Sunday mornings
Retreat/Trip Chaperones: spend an afternoon, weekend, or week with middle and/or high school students in a variety of retreat and mission/service opportunities
Upcoming Events
High School Mission Trip - June 8-13, 2025
Junior High Mission Trip - July 20-23, 2025
M28 Camp at Lake J - July 3-6, 2025