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The Preschool program, as a ministry of Madison MC, believes each child is a child of God and should have every opportunity to develop physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially and spiritually to his or her fullest potential.

Madison Methodist Weekday Program offers a Preschool Program and an After School Care program for school age children. Both programs are licensed by the state of Mississippi.

The Weekday Ministries Programs have been charged with the mission “to provide total care for the children entrusted to the Madison MC Preschool program by meeting, to the fullest extent possible, our children’s physical, educational, and spiritual needs and to sensitively respond to the concerns of parents.”

All our actions and daily classroom activities should reflect the Christian values of self-esteem, love, faith, hope, care, grace, sharing, forgiveness, creation, honesty, obedience, and responsibility that are integral to both the mission of Madison MC and the Weekday Ministries programs.

Ages for Preschool

Our program ages begin 15 months of age (child is walking) - 4 years old. Each classroom has 2 teachers.


Each class builds readiness for the next class. One of our main methods of teaching is through learning centers. Each child’s knowledge of the Bible will be strengthened through activities in class through stories and prayer. Wee Worship and Cooking for 3 and 4 year classes will meet once a week and re-enforces our classroom Bible verses and stories.

Curriculum for 2-year-olds is a theme/unit based. This includes learning centers, and the units include numbers, shapes, colors, letter recognition, and art. We also focus on strengthening fine motor and large motor skills.

Curriculum for the 3-year-olds is Handwriting without Tears which focuses on letter writing, letter sounds, and math as well as strengthening fine motor skills such as cutting with scissors and holding the pencil correctly.

Curriculum for the 4-year-olds is based on learning activities surrounding Core Curriculum. It focuses on language development, phonological awareness, and strengthening fine motor skills for cutting with scissors and holding the pencil correctly. We use activities that promote critical thinking, math reasoning, problem solving, and other number skills.

Preschool Hours of Operation (mid-August-May)

8:30-12:00 Monday-Friday for regular classes. There is NO early drop off option available.

School Calendar

Our calendar and holidays follow the Madison County Schools calendar as closely as possible. If Madison County Schools close early, we will close at the same time. If they have a late arrival, we will be closed for the day. We will not make up for days missed.

View Calendar

Monthly Fees

View Monthly Fees

On August 1st we will draft the Supply Fee and the four year old Workbook Fee. Before the start of the school year if you should need to withdraw from our program, a 30 day written notice (prior to the July 1st draft of August tuition) is required. If the required notice is not received, you will be responsible for the August tuition payment. Once the draft has been made, August tuition is nonrefundable. In addition, at any time during the school year, if you fail to give the 30 day written notice, you are responsible for payment of tuition and other fees for the 30 days following the withdrawal.

Required Paperwork for School Year

Please download and complete the Madison MC Student Enrollment form here to bring to bring with you to Parent Open House

Preschool Student Enrollment Form

Registration for School Year

Preschool Registration for New Children

Instructions for Preschool Registration for New Children:
• Registration for new children begins promptly at 8:00 a.m., by email only ( ) on the dates listed below.
• Madison Methodist Church Members – February 19, 2025.
• Open to the Community – February 20, 2025.
• Emails will not be accepted before 8:00 a.m.
• Email your name, phone number, your child’s name and date of birth (including the year), and your first and second class choice for your child.
• Classes will be filled based on first in, first served by email only. There will not be walk-in registration.

Once you have been notified that a spot is available, you will need to do the following:
• Download and bring the completed Madison MC Preschool Registration Form to the preschool office.
• Download and bring the completed Bank Draft Form which is necessary for tuition payments, along with a voided check and a check for the non-refundable $175 Registration Fee.

Preschool Registration Form

Preschool Registration for Returning Children and their Siblings

A registration survey will be sent home in the school bags on January 22 and 23. This is your opportunity to make your first and second class choice for your child. The class first choice is not guaranteed, as it will depend on the date and time the form is submitted. Some classes such as 3's M-F and 2's MWF fill very quickly.

Instructions for Preschool Registration for Returning Children and Siblings:
• Registration survey forms will be accepted at 8:00 a.m. on February 6, by email only ( ).
• The forms will not be accepted before 8:00 a.m. on February 6.
• The forms will not be accepted through carpool or through your child’s folder.
• The final deadline to submit the registration survey form for returning children and their siblings is February 11.

Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch is an option to stay for extended hours (12:00 noon – 2:00 p.m.) on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and is only available for 2, 3 and 4 year old classes. A nap mat and sack lunch is required. Parents may sign up at the beginning of school on Parent Night or at any time during the school year. A child who is enrolled in the Preschool may drop-in as space availability allows.

Remind 101

To alert parents of closures and other school related emergencies, we will use Remind 101. Parents MUST sign up at