**Joint Sunday School July 2024 - PowerPoint Files**
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3

Week 1: July 7

Week 2: July 14

Week 3: July 21

Week 4: July 28

Coming soon...


Click on the tabs below to get information about our many adult Sunday School classes.

For classroom locations: Click Here for Map of Facilities

Abundant Joy (Age Range: Late 30s to Late 50s)

Location:  Church Office (Administrative Building)

Start time: 9:45 a.m.

Current Study: "Contender" book study by Dr. Andy Miller on the epistle of Jude

Class Makeup: Singles and couples (Late 30's to Late 50's)

Asbury (Age Range: Early 20s to Mid 80s)

Class Makeup:  this is intended to be an intergenerational adult class

Location: Education Building Room 415 (2nd Floor)

Start Time: 9:45 am    

Mission Statement: an advanced Bible study class with practical application to everyday life; there will be a conscious effort to help disciples develop a commitment to a distinctly Biblical worldview and lifestyle

Teaching: Charlie Artmann is the teacher. The class typically alternates Old Testament and New Testament books of the Bible for study.

Mission projects:  David and Kate O'Donnell in Central Asia and Rise Against Hunger. 

Socials: periodic potluck fellowship meals after 2nd service

Current Study: Currently doing a Bible study on John's Gospel

Contact: Charlie Artmann 601-613-0774 / charlie@artmann.ms), Kathy Long 601-466-0135 / kathrynlong1951@gmail.com

Challengers (Age Range: Late 50s to Early 80s)


Class Location:  in Multi-Purpose Room (2nd floor, Education building)

Class Make-up: Couples and singles, ages 40-80

Class start time: 9:45 a.m.

Teaching style: Lecture and discussion, rotation of teachers, variety of subjects studied

Activities: N/A

Missions supported: Honduras Missions (Salt & Light), Moody Family (missionaries with BMDMI in Honduras), Food Pantries (MadCAAP), Methodist Children's Home, and Crossroads (ministry for those coming out of incarceration to reenter society)

Current Study:  For lessons, we alternate between Right Now bible studies, lessons prepared from class members and other church members.

President: Billy Hutto (phone #: 601-214-6011)

Contact name/email: Judy Gray (phone #: 601-954-3332; email: judyhgray@gmail.com) and Sam Gray (phone #: 601-951-4869; email: sgray@hugheseastern.com)

Cornerstone (Age Range: 30s to early 60s)

Class Makeup:  This class is an intergenerational adult class

Location: Education Building Room 402 (2nd Floor)

Start Time: Fellowship with coffee at 9:45 with teaching starting thereafter.

Current Study: Currently doing a Bible study on the book of James through Right Now Media.

Contact: Christine Selman (christine.selman@gmail.com) and Will Selman (will.selman@millsaps.edu)

Crossings (Age Range: Late 50s to Late 70s)

Class Name:   Crossings

Class Makeup:  Singles and Couples 55 years old and up 

Location: Fellowship Hall Room 206

Start Time: Around 9:45 a.m. following the coffee fellowship in the Fellowship Hall     

Mission Statement: Crossings is a supportive community of members who are strengthening our relationships with God through study, sharing, fellowship, and missions locally and beyond.  We value open discussion and encourage whole-hearted participation.  All are welcome!

Teaching:  Crossings discovers deeper meaning through Bible-based study series as well as books by noted clergy.  The class is facilitated by its on members on a rotating basis.  We attempt to plan our studies a quarter at a time. 

Current Study: Apologetics | Evangelism & Discipleship | Galatians

Mission projects: Methodist Children's Home | The Moody's | Camp Kamassa | African Seminary | We support youth and church missions throughout the year.

Socials: We have monthly small group supper clubs at area restaurants and a Christmas social.  


President – Mike Martin mikeamartin02349@gmail.com | 601-906-1196

Vice-President Harriet Brown Harrietbrown@comcast.net | 601-259 -5847  (primary)

Stephen Smith ssmith@hrkcpa.com | 601-613-3451 |

Olivia Martin   oliviawmartin@gmail.com | 601-906-1189

Secretary/Recorder Betty Sue Adams badams623@att.net  601-260-7412

Treasurer Ervin Robertson  eraervin@aol.com | 601-214-8155

Class Care Coordinator Kathy Mowdy mkvanzant@yahoo.com | 601-405-4466

Outreach Coordinator Martha Walton marthawalton1@bellsouth.net | 601-331-2388

Daily Disciples (Age Range: Late 30s to Late 50s)

Class Location: Conference Room (Admin Building)

Class Make-up: likely adults of all ages and possibly some upper high school students

Class start time: Fellowship with coffee and snacks from 9:30-9:50 with teaching starting thereafter.

Current Study: TBD

Teaching style: Topical Biblical teaching with a strong emphasis on developing intimacy with Jesus, resting in God's promises, & sharing Jesus in action and word in daily life

Activities:  TBD

Missions supported:  TBD

Class Mission Statement: 

Contact name/email: Mark Hikes - mhhikes@gmail.com

Discovery (Age Range: Late 40s to Mid 60s)

Class Location: Fellowship Hall Room 204

Class Make-up: 40's to 60's; married couples and singles.

Class start time: Fellowship with coffee and snacks from 9:30-9:50 with teaching starting thereafter.

Current Study: Acts

Teaching style: We study the books of the Bible with occasional studies on Christian living that are also Bible based.  We have a rotation of leaders from the class and encourage members to join in the leader rotation or to present a special topic to the class.

Activities:  Class socials a couple of times a year; mission projects, and supper clubs

Missions supported:  Gateway Missions, UMCOR, Methodist Children's Home, and Habitat for Humanity

Class Mission Statement: Growing in our knowledge of the Bible; fostering friendships; supporting missions in our church, our community and world-wide.  We are an open and welcoming class that focuses on exploration of the Bible and how it applies to us today.  Discussion and interaction is encouraged!

Contact name/email: 

Wendy McNulty - PWMCPA@aol.com


Faithbuilders (Age Range: Late 30s to Early 50s)

Class Makeup:  Adults age 30's to 50's; most are married couples with children and youth, but there are singles/divorcees. However, all are welcome!!

Location: Fellowship Hall Room 208

Start Time: Around 9:45 a.m. following the coffee fellowship in the Fellowship Hall     

Mission Statement: Faith begins at the end of your Comfort Zone! Faithbuilders believe that our faith is strengthened and developed through a supportive community of members who are strengthening our relationship with God through study, sharing, fellowship, and missions locally and beyond.  2 Corinthians 5:7 for we walk by faith, not by sight.

Teaching:  Faithbuilders discovers deeper meaning through biblically based studies as well as books by noted clergy.  The class is facilitated by its own members on a rotating basis or guest speakers.  We attempt to plan our studies a quarter at a time.  We value open discussion and encourage whole-hearted participation.

Mission projects: Moody Family Mission (missionaries who were in this class) through Legacy Mission International in Honduras, The Connection: providing meals quarterly, Methodist Children’s Home (MCH): fundraisers and volunteering at MCH, MadCAAP Support: periodic collections of food and supplies, and Scarecrow Cruise & Car Show fund-raiser for missions.

Socials:  We have 2 "big" socials - annual Crawfish Boil and Christmas Party. We also schedule supper groups and plan 1-2 other social events in the year.

Current Study: The book of Isaiah

President:  David Ellis 601-941-8803 and Leslie Leon 601-260-0568


Treasurer:  Doug Owens

Curriculum:  D'Anna Broussard and Brian Smith

Social Chair:  Katie Witt and Lyndie Faulkner

Missions Chair:  Jeff Guy

Outreach and Inreach Chair:  Sara Ann Ellis and Rachael Bearden

Good News (Age Range: Late 50s to Late 80s)

Class Location: Fellowship Hall Room 122 

Class Make-up: Couples and singles, ages range 50 and older, all are welcome.

Class start time: 9:45 with prayer and announcements, lessons start by 10 a.m.

Teaching style: Lecture with some discussion, rotation of teachers.  Study books of the Bible, inspirational/Christian books, DVD study series, seasonal topics, etc.

Current Subject:  Study of the New Testament books based on Warren Wiersbe's "Be..." books.

Class Missions: Cursillo, Kairos, Ronald McDonald House, Honduras Missionaries Todd and Katie Moody, Delta Grace, and others.

Class Mission Statement: We support the church’s mission of “Building faithful disciples, serving Jesus Christ”.

Class Activities: Usually 2 social gatherings/year at Christmas and Valentine’s Day

Contact:  MaChelle Pace (marpace35@gmail.com/601-573-1239); Phil Hinton (phil_hinton@ajg.com / 601-940-9033); Becky Allen (becks722@yahoo.com); Karen harper (harperkaren1216@gmail.com/601-672-5475)

Journey of Faith (Age Range: 30s and 40s)

Class Location: Education Building Room 401 (2nd floor)

Class Make-up: Mostly married couples, couples with young children and singles in the age range of 30's to late 40's. However, all are welcome and invited to join us.

Class start time: 9:45 a.m.

Teaching style: Lecture and discussion, rotate teachers, lessons of Biblical topics that relate to everyday life

Current subject: 

Ephesians through March 10

Galatians starts March 17

Activities: quarterly socials

Missions supported: Support of missionaries with needed items 3-4 times/year (Abbey Phillips’ sister and brother-in-law); also, local missions projects

Class mission statement: It all starts with Faith. As Christians, our journey of faith is constantly changing, growing, facing new obstacles and deepening at every stage of life. The Journey of Faith Sunday School class seeks to support each other in these ever-changing stages of life and deepen our individual and collective spiritual growth through biblical lessons, discussions and studies.

Contact:  Emily Herron (ejherron@gmail.com); Brock Herron (bherron_10@yahoo.com)

New Covenant (Age Range: Late 30s to Early 60s)

This is a mixed age class (mid 30s-40s).  This is a large, active discussion class that is led by a teacher who alternates between topical studies and study of books of the Bible. 

Current Subject: TBA

Location:  Fellowship Hall Room 201

Contact:  Peter (petergiroux5@gmail.com) & Cathy (gappc5@yahoo.com / 601-454-6310) Giroux.

New Spirit (Age Range: Early 60s to Early 80s)

Location:  Fellowship Hall Room #127

Start time: 9:45 AM Sunday Morning

Current Study: Wrestling with Doubt, Finding Faith by Adam Hamilton

Class Makeup: All are welcome. Current membership are mostly retired or nearing retirement

Mission Statement: To know, hear, encourage and support one another in the context of Bible study and Bible application.

Mission Projects: As a group, managed and staffed fall Craft Sale supporting the Moody family.  Members participate in Delta Grace, Habitat for Humanity, Rise Against Hunger, Praying Pelicans meals, VBS, Wednesday night preparation, serving and clean-up, VIP set-up, greeters, Altar Guild and Pearl River Church maintenance.  We provide financial support for Kairos Prison Ministry, Moody Ministry, Center for Pregnancy Choices, Gateway Rescue Mission and Compassion International.

Socials: About 4 times/yr - usually a Sunday evening meal in members’ homes

Class Officers:

President: Sue Lauderdale
Vice-President: Tim Ross
Secretary/Recorder: Laura Isbell
Treasurer: Jeanne Tew
Class Care Coordinators: Susan Ross, Sandra Grissom
Outreach Coordinator: Jim Grissom
Prayer Ministry Coordinator: Gloria Thompson
Researcher: Wren Gregory
Master of Levity: Darrell Martin

Parents Class (Age Range: 30s to 50s)

Class Makeup:  Parents of children, birth to graduation, who are seeking to grow in their faith, their marriage and their parenting.

Location: Eduation Building Room 416 (2nd Floor) beginning 8/21/22; Room 415 until then

Start Time: 9:45 am    

Mission Statement: We seek to grow in our love for God, our spouses, our children, and others through bible study, life application, prayer, and discussion.

Teaching: A mix of content and discussion based on bible study and occasional book/study on marriage and/or parenting.

Current Study: We will begin this class by looking at who God is and his design for faith and family.

Missions and activities: TBA as this is a brand new class

Contacts: Steve Potter (steve@madisonmc.org / (601) 573-2144) & Betsy Potter (betsteve98@gmail.com / (601) 506-2708)

Pathfinders (Age Range: Early 70s to Early 90s)

Class Location: Fellowship Hall Room 118

Class Make-up: Couples and singles, mostly retired, young at heart

Class start time: 9:45

Teaching style: Discussion-based study of a passage of Scripture each week (often using the week's assigned passages from the Revised Common Lectionary). Dave Robinson serves as teacher when in state, rotation of teachers otherwise

Class Missions: Various missions within the church as we are led

Current Study: Revised Common Lectionary

Contact name/email: Leon Stewart (madisonjuneau@aol.com); Dave Robinson (jdrobin109@comcast.net / 601-291-9400); Carole & Mike Armstrong (carolearms@bellsouth.net / marmstrong2@bellsouth.net)

The Berean Collective (Age Range: Early 20s to Early 30s)

This is our newest class launched in July 2017 for singles and married couples in their 20's thru 30's who are out of college.

Where?: Montgomery Chapel Basement (starting April 2022)

What?: biblically-based studies with discussion; social events to build relationships; shared outreach opportunities to serve others and express our growth in discipleship

Current Study: Genesis

Contact: Matt & Madison Smith (smithmatthew241@gmail.com / 601-497-8155); Channing Hancock (601-540-6743)