For information on how to connect with a small group, please email Rev. Robert McCormick ( Wednesday groups have concluded for the spring and will resume August 14. 
There are OPEN SMALL GROUPS meeting 6:00-7:00 p.m. each Wednesday night. We would love to have you come join us.

Women’s Group (Room 118) Ages: All ages / Study: Untangle Your Emotions by Jennie Allen.

Singles and Couples Group (Room 206) Ages: 30-50 / Study: The Bible Recap

Singles and Couples Group (Room 208) Ages: 30-45 / Study: Habits of the Household by Justin Earley

Life After Loss Main Group (Room 122) Ages: 45-80 / Study: Guest speakers, support groups / Dates: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays

The two Bible Plans we are promoting can be downloaded/found below:
  • Bible Recap (1 year chronological plan, entire Bible, 7 days a week): DOWNLOAD HERE
  • Foundations 260 (1 year plan, 5 days a week, about half the Bible, main narrative portion): DOWNLOAD HERE
Discipleship Groups are intended to be groups of no more than 12 people in covenant with one another to DO LIFE TOGETHER and be built as faithful DISCIPLES OF JESUS CHRIST. As such, group members seek to become fully committed to the person, life, and teachings of Jesus Christ as they grow in the marks of discipleship (continually turning from sin and evil, fully trusting Christ as Savior & his grace poured out for us, fully surrendering to follow Christ as Lord, and developing a discipleship lifestyle of prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness under the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit).

Please FILL-OUT and SUBMIT the form below if you want to know more about available Discipleship Groups and how you can explore becoming part of a group.