The Mississippi Annual Conference approved the disaffiliation of 189 churches, including Madison UMC, on Wednesday, June 28. Let us all pray for our church family, other disaffiliating churches, and the Mississippi Annual Conference in this season of transition. Please review our recent newsletter for any last-minute updates about our disaffiliation and email our senior pastor ( with any questions.

Our church recently painted a house for Methodist Children's Home! We had volunteers do that on Thursday, June 22. Please contact Ric Stanfield (; 601.201.3046) for more information about future projects at MCH. 

Our church’s membership voted on May 21 to seek affiliation with the Global Methodist Church. With 433 votes cast, 14 voted for Congregational Methodist, 418 voted for Global Methodist, and 1 abstained.

We applied for affiliation with the Global Methodist Church and were granted that for July 1.

Our special called Church Conference was held on Sunday, March 26. There were 664 ballots cast at the church conference. 57 votes (8.6%) were cast to remain with the United Methodist denomination and 605 votes (91.4%) were cast to disaffiliate from the United Methodist denomination. There were two abstentions. Special thanks go to our tellers, greeters, nursery workers, and church staff for their extra help with this vote and meeting.

Thank you for your donations. We took them to Rolling Fork on March 31. We also sent a financial donation to the United Methodist Committee on Relief and to a local church, Amory First UMC, to fund their recovery efforts. 

From time to time, scam artists will send out emails or texts that appear to be from our church and pastors. We apologize for this but many churches and pastors are having this happen to them. Our church and staff will never approach any church members for special favors, gift cards, or money. Please do not respond to those emails or text messages. 

All the men of the church are invited to join us for the monthly meeting of our Madison UMC Men's Club on Sunday, July 16, in the CLC. We start at 7:00 a.m. with a great breakfast and then a brief program.

Make sure to register for the Wednesdays at Madison meal by Tuesdays at noon each week. You can call the church office or fill out this online form to register: Suppers will resume in August. 

As we are getting closer to a new year, please consider starting or resuming a Bible reading plan. Here are several suggestions:
