STAY TUNED for when we schedule our next workshop, likely as early as Spring 2025!

We are targeting those parents who have at least one (1) child who is 3 years old-3rd grade. We are capping the registration at 12 households maximum.
We will provide ministry for all your children during the workshop. We will have 2 meals (continental breakfast and lunch) plus snacks for both adults and children.
We have been planning for a way to intentionally encourage and equip busy parents to live into the commitment they make at their child's baptism: 
"Will you nurture your child in Christ’s holy church, that by your teaching and example he/she may be guided to accept God’s grace for himself/herself, to profess his/her faith openly, and to lead a Christian life?  We will." 
We are now ready to begin to implement the plan. 
"Five-Minute Family" will be a process that is envisioned to include:
  • SUPPORTIVE CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY of prayer and encouragement throughout the journey to cheer you and your family on as your pursue Kingdom Life in Christ
  • a short PRE-SURVEY to measure (but NOT to judge!) where you are currently around the practice of some marks of family discipleship
  • an introductory Family Discipleship WORKSHOP to provide equipping and encouragement
  • a number of RECOMMENDED RESOURCES & a forthcoming MMC Family Discipleship RESOURCE LIBRARY that you can draw on to implement your unique plan for Intentional Family Discipleship
  • an invitation & opportunity to continue with your peer SMALL GROUP from the workshop for at least 3 months (meeting at least twice a month - either on Wednesday night during WAM or at another time or way that is more convenient)
  • an invitation & opportunity to meet with either Barry or Renee for Family Discipleship COACHING (2 or 3 45-minute sessions during the 3-month Small Group follow-up period) to help you discern & take whatever your next best step is as you implement & grow in Family Discipleship
  • a short POST-SURVEY after 3 months to measure how you have grown in the same marks of discipleship you surveyed going into this journey