1. The office will be closed today, September 2, for Labor Day.
2. Please make sure to reserve your WAM meal by calling our office or using this link (https://www.shelbygiving.com/App/Form/eda8d31f-0872-4616-b233-08d547976836) by noon tomorrow, September 3.
3. Contact Rev. Robert McCormick at robert@madisonmc.org with any questions about the Wesley Institute that starts this Tuesday at Wesley Biblical Seminary! Go to www.institute.wbs.edu for more information and to register. Select the Bible Track or Theology Track. Click “Get Course” and then select “Available in Monthly Plan.” Use the code “MADMC” for our church’s discount and make sure to click “Apply” for the code. The cost is only $200 for our church members and guests!
4. Register for the September 10th VIP luncheon by this Thursday at noon.
5. All men are invited to the Truck Club Bible study from 7:30-9:00 p.m. this Thursday, September 5. It meets at 224 Waterford Square in Madison. Bring a chair and a Bible.
6. Our next New Door event for visitors and new members is set for this Sunday, September 8, during the Sunday School hour in the CLC. This is a great opportunity to meet our staff, learn about our ministries, meet new people, and more.
7. Mark your calendars for Sunday, September 15, when we will host a Missions Fair in the Christian Life Center from 8:45-11:15 a.m. We will highlight a large variety of ways that we can all serve God in Madison, the Metro area, Mississippi, and More.