1. Wednesdays at Madison has concluded for 2024. WAM will resume on January 15.
2. Special thanks go to our Chancel Choir, musicians, tech staff, and Lori Blount for a wonderful Christmas Program yesterday. You can view the program on our YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/@madisonmcms).
3. Here is our Christmas Eve schedule for this year:
1:00-2:30 p.m. – Come & Go Communion (Chapel)
3:00 p.m. – Candlelight and Communion Service (Sanctuary/Chapel)
5:00 p.m. – Candlelight and Communion Service (Sanctuary/Chapel)
7:00 p.m. – Candlelight and Communion Service (Sanctuary/Chapel)
4. As we announced yesterday, we are very excited that our new Director of Student Ministries will be Michael Davis. He will officially begin with us on Sunday, March 16, but he will meet our students at their Student Ministry event on January 5th and at several other events in January and February. He will also visit with our church members at a Wednesdays at Madison supper in February. We plan to share more news about Michael and Hannah in our next newsletter.
5. As this year comes to an end, prayerfully consider making your year-end gift through one of our many ways to give - online, text, placing a check or cash in the offering plate, by scanning the QR code, or by mail. You can also make Qualified Charitable Distributions from IRA accounts or transfer stock sales directly to the church. All gifts must be transferred, initiated, or mailed by December 31st. For any questions email info@madisonmc.org. Thank you!!