VIP’s (Adults 55+)
VIP’s are a diverse group of senior adults who have entered the most exciting time of life! As one of the most active groups in our church we are: interesting, active, involved.
VIP’s promote projects that encourage fellowship with other believers.
VIP’s identify ways and means to organize challenging activities for service in the church and community.
VIP’s provide interesting opportunities for continued study and learning with emphasis on spiritual growth through Bible studies and Sunday School.
VIP’s keep our minds active and alert by participating in study, work and play.
“God has given each of you some special abilities; be sure to use them to help each other, passing on to other’s God’s many blessings.” Peter 4:10
VIP’s invite you to join us as we celebrate all that God has done and is doing in our lives.
Madison MC VIP’s
provide opportunities to meet new people
get together for fun and fellowship
encourage discipleship through personal enrichment and Christian growth
FLEX Exercise Program
FLEX is an equipment based exercise program for people 55 years of age and older with an emphasis on stretching, flexibility, range of motion, improving balance and increasing strength and endurance.
Equipment includes: Balls (provided), exercise bands (provided) and dumbbells (bring your own).
The FLEX program includes a combination of sitting and standing exercises. Participants work at their own pace and level of physical ability.
Classes typically meet on Monday and Thursday in the Fellowship Hall from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. with a YMCA certified fitness instructor.
Cost is minimal. Sign up is on a month to month basis.
Remember to check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program.
Sign up at church office or come to any class and join us for fun, fellowship and your good health.